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A platform for raising capital, M&A, and more.

Businesses have used Ansarada to run over 25,000 deals. But while Ansarada provided useful tools during a deal—secure document sharing, Q&A, reporting—it didn't help businesses with the problems they faced before a deal even began. It became clear that a lack of preparation was the largest factor in deal failure.

I joined Ansarada as the lead designer in a 10-person team tasked with turning this insight into a product. We built and launched an MVP in four months. Then the real work started: learning and iterating on the product to grow our user base.

A place to collaborate with experts to get ready for important business events, and stay ready for whatever comes next.

We quickly discovered that our product had broader use cases than deal preparation. We were actually building a platform: one place for companies to manage critical information about their business, and connect with advisors, auditors, lawyers, and other experts.

Updated design tokens and components.

I had to stay light on my feet to:

The new platform transformed Ansarada from a transactional business into one that delivers ongoing value to companies and generates recurring revenue. Following our launch, Ansarada raised $24 million (with help from our own platform!) to continue this transformation.


Data analytics for urban planners
and sustainability professionals.


An app for your professional
inner circle.