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Big Picture Eye Health

A service that makes eye care more timely and accessible.

Big Picture Eye Health is a tele-ophthalmology service. It operates kiosks that can scan the back of a customer’s eyes. Specialists then review these scans and send an eye health report back to the customer via email. This enables regular screenings without costly and time-intensive visits to an ophthalmologist.

Scan review software and email eye health reports.

I was Big Picture Eye Health’s lead designer. During this time, I designed an iPad app for patient registration, email eye health report templates, web-based scan review software, and our marketing website. I also provided input on how to frame the service to both investors and customers and helped to create pitch decks used in fundraising efforts.

Generating ideas for ways to communicate scan results to customers.

This role required me to learn a lot of domain-specific information and terminology. I spoke with optometrists, orthoptists, and ophthalmologists to understand potential review outcomes. I then had to communicate these to a non-medical audience with empathy and an appropriate sense of urgency.

Because the service has a physical component—the scanning kiosk and it’s surrounding environment—I worked closely with a set designer to prototype physical spaces and ensure the overall experience was cohesive and scalable. Big Picture Eye Health is trialling their service in Australia and the UK.

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