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Data Republic

A marketplace for B2B data exchange.

B2B data exchange is not a new concept. But an open marketplace where organisations can monetise their proprietary data assets is. Data Republic had created a technical and legal framework that ensured exchanges were both secure and ethical. I came on board to translate this into a usable front-end that enabled their customers to realise this potential.

Data Republic's open data marketplace.
A selection of user personas.

Because this is a new concept, we had to uncover use cases, define terminology, and address trust issues. The first step was a series of in-depth user interviews with data managers, analysts, and consultants. The output was six distinct user personas and a set of user stories that defined our target customers and initial scope.

I then ran internal workshops where we started to think about how we might address the user needs we had uncovered. I took input from sales, product, and our technology team, and synthesised this into a unified set of user flows and wireframes.

At this point I began to run usability tests and create high-fidelity artefacts just in time for upcoming development sprints.

As the new screens rolled out, customers that previously needed one-on-one help to facilitate data exchange could now explore the marketplace on their own. This opened the door for the successful public launch of the Data Republic platform.


A place to buy, sell,
and learn about cars.

Big Picture Eye Health

A service that makes eye care
more timely and accessible.