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SAI Global

A global compliance and risk services company.

SAI Global is a diverse business with many independent business units. Each business unit had become reliant on digital channels, but there was no overarching digital strategy. This disconnect led to frustrating experiences for their most valuable customers: those that used multiple products or services. I was the lead designer on a team tasked with helping them deliver a more cohesive experience.

Wireframes for the various templates that power SAI Global's public website.

The first step was to create and get buy-in for an overarching digital strategy. I ran four workshops with 33 participants from Australia, the UK, and the US. We created user personas, identified digital touchpoints, and mapped out customer journeys. I used inputs from in-depth user interviews and a customer survey to guide the discussions.

Card sorting to make sense of the chaos.

By the end, we could see the customer pain points that we needed to address. There were also organisational limitations that had to be overcome so that the business units could work together better. This was formalised as a roadmap of digital projects and guidelines for how to better structure their digital teams.

The focus then shifted to their website. The challenge: a complete responsive redesign that accommodates a gradual migration of thousands of pages of legacy content. I defined an information architecture that encompassed all legacy content and created detailed annotated wireframes to serve as a specification for development.

SAI Global successfully launched their new website.

Big Picture Eye Health

A service that makes eye care
more timely and accessible.


An app that brings community
to buying and selling online.