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A place to buy, sell, and learn about cars.

CarsGuide is where people go to find their next car. It’s a marketplace for cars and a daily source of news, reviews, and advice. I designed responsive web templates and new features for their native iOS and Android apps.

UI designs for CarsGuide's iOS app and website.

Advertising on editorial content and dealerships who pay-per-view on listings are CarsGuide’s primary sources of revenue. As a result, I had to consider how each change I made affected SEO, ad visibility, and page views per session. Collaboration and buy-in across different parts of the business were critical. We rolled out changes to a subset of users to start with and each change was A/B tested.

A key business goal related to the mobile apps was to better attribute usage to in-person visits at dealerships. Unfortunately, less than half of our users gave the app access to their location. To address this, I reworked the the app’s onboarding screens which doubled this number on the latest version. It's a win-win. CarsGuide responsibly uses anonymous statistics to demonstrate value for dealerships and, meanwhile, users enjoy a smoother experience with location-enabled features in the app.

Alongside this work I also helped CarsGuide hire a full-time designer to join the team.


An app for your professional
inner circle.

Data Republic

A marketplace for B2B
data exchange.